Coloradans prefer that the 340B Program revenues are used to reduce the out-of-pocket costs.
Colorado voters strongly support policymakers taking action to require 340B Program funds are used to directly reduce the out-of-pocket costs and prices that patients pay for prescription medicines.
Food Access in Food Deserts
For Americans living in areas classified as food deserts, getting access to healthy, affordable food is incredibly difficult.
Charity care cares less for its patients and more for profit
An article from the Indiana Capital Chronicle details the dangerous and exploitative nature that the charity care system is known for.
Nonprofit Hospital System consolidates services in southeast Wisconsin
Ascension Healthcare, a large nonprofit hospital network serving 19 states, recently slashed services across southeast Wisconsin. Interestingly, around the time Ascension announced this closure, they also announced a large expansion of another hospital.
Food Quality Disparity
When communities have access to high-quality products and inexpensive ingredients, they are less likely to experience food insecurity, but food deserts are becoming increasingly prevalent in the US.
Contaminated Drinking Water
The Silent Spring Institute has found that nearly 100 Million Americans consume drinking water with unregulated contaminants…
AMA Supports a Change in Charity Care Standards
At the Interim Meeting of the American Medical Association in November 2024, the AMA voted to support stricter standards for nonprofit hospitals and advocated for the standardization of charity care.